
Double helix definition
Double helix definition

double helix definition

In “Genetical Implications,” Watson and Crick suggest a possible explanation for deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA, replication based on a structure of DNA they proposed prior to writing “Genetical Implications.” Watson and Crick proposed their theory about DNA replication at a time when scientists had recently reached the consensus that DNA contained genes, which scientists understood to carry information that determines an organism’s identity. In May 1953, scientists James Watson and Francis Crick wrote the article “Genetical Implications of the Structure of Deoxyribonucleic Acid,” hereafter “Genetical Implications,” which was published in the journal Nature.

  • ‘As the replication forks progress along the template strands the newly synthesized daughter strands and parental template strands reform a DNA double helix.“Genetical Implications of the Structure of Deoxyribonucleic Acid” (1953), by James Watson and Francis Crick.
  • ‘The structural distortions at the site of damage are translated across the DNA double helix to the active site of human topoisomerase I.’.
  • double helix definition

    ‘The DNA structure is a double helix looking something like a twisted ladder.’.‘Genetics and crime fighting are becoming as intertwined as the DNA double helix.’.‘What do an oily rain puddle in the parking lot, a compact disc, and the discovery of the DNA double helix have in common?’.‘The links between pairs of bases are responsible for binding together two strands to form the characteristic double helix of a DNA molecule.’.‘Similar hydrogen bonds from the adenine amino groups are also involved in the binding of proteins into the major groove of DNA double helices.’.‘Water is essential for the stability and function of ‘the aperiodic crystal of heredity’ the DNA double helix.’.


  • ‘As the force is increased, the structural parameters of the DNA double helix are revealed, including the free energy of the basepair interaction.’.
  • ‘Further spermidine penetration between the double helices causes DNA resolubilization.’.
  • ‘This comes from the structure of the sugar molecules used in the DNA double helix.’.
  • double helix definition

    ‘Topoisomerases are able to relieve torsional stress in DNA double helices and separate intertwined DNA molecules.’.‘This molecule, however, can exist in two enantiomeric forms depending on how the molecule enters the DNA double helix.’.‘In order to see the primary structure, the double helix of DNA is unzipped and the pattern of nucleotides is revealed.’.‘This ensures that no basepair in the DNA double helix, regardless of its sequence context, acquires a very high thermodynamic propensity for opening.’.‘During translocation the elongation complex moves along the DNA double helix carrying an RNA chain of increasing length.’.‘The DNA double helix, the first structure of a biological molecule, was determined by X-ray crystallography in 1953.’.‘The opening of basepairs in DNA double helices is a prerequisite for propagation and expression of genetic information.’.‘Clearly, the rigidity is different for the regions consisting of one double helix or two double helices and the bends are likely to be localized at certain points within the unit.’.

    Double helix definition